• Advisory services regarding foreign exchange regulations in India
  • Representation before RBI for Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Companies.
  • Obtaining approvals from Secretariat for Industrial Assistance for foreign investments, Joint Ventures and Technical Collaborations
  • Intimation to RBI on receipt of inward remittances, allotment of shares and filing of FC-GPR with RBI, and coordination with Bank (AD), with respect to FDI
  • Advisory support on Transfer of shares, and filing of FC-TRS with RBI and coordination with banks (AD)
  • Dividend repatriation
  • Repatriation of funds outside India arising out of sale of properties
  • Valuation of shares, certification in support of allotment of shares to foreign investors in Indian Companies
  • Assisting clients in obtaining permission for transfer of shares to NRI’s
  • Assisting clients in obtaining prior permission for External Commercial Borrowings
  • Advisory support with respect to compounding of offences arising on violation of the Regulations